December 31, 2011

A HOTter me!
TerryDecember 31, 2011 0 comments

2011 has had its challenges, ups and downs - ups mostly, and I'm grateful to the almighty; thus far He has brought me.
2012 is here, fresh and virgin. Time to make resolutions?? Well, I don't usually make resolutions, don't know why but I guess it's because most of the times I'm random, dynamic and good to go though grounded girl  and it has worked well for me.

This time I'm gonna make a resolution, a bit basic though. No, I'm not sitting at the dining table with a pen and resolution book rather I'm looking inwards, at all the things I'd like to change, delete or add in my life. Thank God, that I love me and my life so I have no drastic or unrealistic resolves to implement. But like the weeds I talked about HERE, I need some pruning in order to bloom.

2012 is  the year for a HOTter! Terry. Maybe I'm scared of the big 3-0 which is next year but 2012, am taking better care of myself. I have to have something to show for the three decades on earth. I won't tell yet what I'm gonna do, it's in the agenda on my phone complete with alarm reminders. What I will tell you though is that I am embracing Sunscreen and I have a glass of water with me as I write this, let me take a sip *there*

A sneek peek of other 'things to do':


what are some of your resolutions for the new year?

Happy and prosperous 2012!

December 20, 2011

Xmas cheer
TerryDecember 20, 2011 0 comments

We finally got our Christmas tree, our first one ever!
it's amazing !

Baby girl insisted that we must have a Christmas tree this year - effects of advertising and growing up.
She insisted that the tree be bought by 15th December but unfortunately stocks run out at our local Tuskys. You can imagine we've been going there daily to check if they have been replenished with no luck.

19th December and no tree yet? Mr. had no choice but to pass through Naivas which is on his way home and check if they have the trees in stock. Luckily they did, and at a whole K less the price we'd seen! good riddance!

first decorators: baby girl and her daddy

Daddy and the girls

Mommy and the girls
he too was making merry

you can see the excitement in and on me!

The dancing lights of Christmas
It was so much fun decorating. Funny how we all started humming and singing carols. The Christmas tree has lived the air in my home, endless cheer.

Merry Christmas people !

December 19, 2011

Wonna bloom? prune your life
TerryDecember 19, 2011 0 comments

I have tried in vain to wean myself off my daily habit of waking up early now that it's the holidays. Unfortunately or fortunately, nothing seems to be working. Sometimes I wish I could sleep like my teenage children who wake up past noon but it seems my waking habits just won't let me! The alternative has been to plan my day while I laze tiredly in bed before I finally give up and touchdown. 

Today I decided to write -  I have been planning on starting a 'feminine genius' blog and I finally did. Check it out on

My second plan of the day was to tend to my flowers. I am not a fan of gardening so usually I ask my house-help or eldest son to tend to the flowerbeds. I have however not been satisfied with the outcome in comparison to when I personally lovingly planted, nurtured and tended to them. So despite my last Friday manicure, it was time to get down and dirty to ensure a beautiful outcome and fragrance.

As I was gardening, I thought about how similar weeding, pruning and sometimes pulling out the flowers is to life. There is a time when we also need to weed, prune, water and pull out various aspects of life in order to blossom in spring.
Why do we prune flowers and/or plants? Benefits of pruning  include: Eliminate deceased parts, Simplify transplantation, Promote fruit growth and Correct irregular growth. Same case with life, often or sometimes we need to get rid of baggage so that we may grow and blossom. 
The deceased parts in our lives can be in the form of distractions, negative thoughts & people, bad habits, ill feelings, younameitcozyouknowit.

When I was pruning my flowers,  what mattered to me was what was left of the flower and the flowerbed rather than what I was removing. Thus pruning your life is about what is left and what becomes of it. Pruning helps branching out in new directions, while controlling its shape and size. Just as I pruned my flowers, I will also prune my life to allow for new ideas, new opportunities, new perspectives, new ventures, new e.t.c

"...old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

I spent a lot of time tending to my flowers today because I had neglected them for so long. I have now made a resolve, I will prune consistently often so that none of my energy goes towards maintaining what is dead or dying instead of to enjoying the budding and blooming. Looking at life, pruning helps us re evaluate our lives and we shouldn't wait till things get to an irreparable point  and neither should we put up with things that are of no benefit.

We each have the innate ability to bloom, all we need is to make an active choice to do so by tending to life's garden, let go of what is done, and create the opportunity to bud and bloom.

After tending to my flowers, I swept clean the flower beds and front yard, I collected and threw away all the waste matter. After pruning our lives, let  us also remember to throw away the unneeded and not leave it to others to clean up. After all, we are the masters of our lives.

As I sit by the window enjoying a cup of tea and ngwaci, I can't help but sigh with satisfaction!